Tea & Chat Call

A business conversation with a friendly atmosphere.
You have a particular burning matter and you need another brain to pick. You want to look at things from a different perspective and want to get advice how to move along with your tour product or services.
With a 30 minutes call we can discuss the crucial point that is holding you up and together we can try to find the best steps forward.
Bring your tea and notebook!
or direct call to telephone number
+41 76 464 6539
30 minutes
CHF 140
Schedule: contact@travelisatool.com (use Tea & Chat in subject) or tel: +41 76 464 6539
Terms and Conditions
Booking: Pre-booking is necessary via email, and the date and time of call is subject to availability.
The service is provided via an online call platform such as Skype, Whatsapp or by direct call to a given phone number. The service is available in CET time zone and during business days. Note that due to the various time zones this may be adjusted on an individual basis.
Payment: Payment is possible with bank transfer. Banking details are provided when scheduling the service. Once the full payment is received, the date and time of call will be confirmed.
Cancellation: The date and time of call can be modified once free of charge with minimum 24 hours prior notice.
Cancellation of a confirmed call is possible up to 72 hours free of charge. Cancellation fee up to 24 hours is 25%. Cancellation is subject to 100% fee within 24 hours. No show is subject to 100% cancellation fee.
Confidentiality: Travel is a Tool will not share at any time any of the client’s proprietary information discussed during the call.
Disclaimer of Warranties: Travel is a Tool does not represent or warrant that service will create any additional profits, sales, exposure, brand recognition, or the like. Travel is a Tool has no responsibility to client if the calls and deliverables do not lead to client’s desired result(s).
Privacy Statement: Review our company’s privacy statement.
When booking the service you automatically acccept these Terms and Conditions.